The Media Reform Coordinating Group (MRCG), with funding support from the Africa Transitional
Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF), on 16 November 2024, held a community engagement meeting with
stakeholders of Mile 91, Tonkolili District on Transitional Justice (TJ) issues in the district. The meeting
was part of an ongoing project implemented by the MRCG entitled “Engaging Media and Communities
to Change the Narrative on TJ Issues in Sierra Leone.’

TJ is “that collection of procedures, systems, and issues that emerge after a time of conflict, civil unrest,
or repression and specifically intended to address and confront previous human rights and humanitarian
law violations.” It refers to a type of justice encompassing a variety of legal and non-legal actions a
community takes to address historical abuses and breaches of human rights and help it regain confidence
and make amends.


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